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This is basically a useQuery with suspense by default.

The basic API is the same as react-query.

It is mostly the same as the return value of react-query useQuery, but the data is non-nullable. Additionally, error, isLoading, isError, and isFetching do not exist.

However, if useSuspendedQuery's enabled (which defaults to true) is false, data can have undefined in it.


// data: number
const { data } = useSuspendedQuery({
queryKey: ['key'],
queryFn: () => 1,

// data: number | undefined
const { data } = useSuspendedQuery({
queryKey: ['key'],
queryFn: () => 1,
enabled: Math.random() > 0.5,

// data: undefined
const { data } = useSuspendedQuery({
queryKey: ['key'],
queryFn: () => 1,
enabled: false,