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This hook can be used when you want to safely effect the value stored in useRef.

const ref = useRefEffect<HTMLElement>(
element => {
// Effect to run when the element given by ref is mounted

return () => {
// Cleanup to run when the element given by ref is unmounted
  • Reduce unnecessary code, such as accessing the ref.current property or null checks.

  • You can safely register a cleanup function to run when the component that provided the ref is unmounted.

  • If the value given by ref is mounted, or if deps changes, the effect will be executed.

  • It can return the same cleanup function as useEffect.

Example 1

const ref = useRefEffect((section: HTMLDivElement) => {
safeSmoothScrollTo(window, { top: getScrollY(section) });
}, []);

<div ref={ref} />;

Example 2

const ref = useRefEffect((div: HTMLDivElement) => {
const handler = () => {};

div.addEventListener('someevent', handler);

return () => {
div.removeEventListener('someevent', handler);
}, []);

<div ref={ref} />;

Example 3

const ref = useRefEffect(
(div: HTMLDivElement) => {
if (someCondition) {
const handler = () => {};

div.addEventListener('click', handler);

return () => {
return div.removeEventListener('click', handler);

<div ref={ref}>...</div>;